West Central

 Highlands RC&D


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Upper Payette Coordinated Weed Management Area

The desire to better manage all lands for noxious weed control is manifest in several partnerships to map out weed infestations and apply treatment, regardless of ownership.

There are currently four Cooperative Weed Management Areas in the West Central Highlands RC&D Area.

Grant funds received from the Idaho Department of Agriculture are what brought these Weed Management Areas together and provides the funds to continue their work year after year.  Weed crews have worked together in the four CWM Areas to treat priority weeds according to the best plant physiology timing, which varies throughout the five county area.  Location and mapping of problem areas were critical to apply follow-up treatment in succeeding years.

Adams County CWMA - Adams County
Lower Gem CWMA - Gem County
Lower Weiser River CWMA - Washington County
Upper Payette CWMA - Boise County, Gem County, Valley County

Partners include: Adams, Boise, Gem, Valley and Washington Counties; Gem, Squaw Creek, Valley and Weiser River Soil and Water Conservation Districts; USDA Forest Service; Idaho Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Reclamation; Bureau of Land Management; Idaho Department of Lands; Boise Cascade Corporation; and Montana State University.

Grant funds received from the Idaho Department of Agriculture for 2004 was $106,377 for the four CWM Areas and approximately $114,209 in match.