West Central

 Highlands RC&D


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Watershed Advisory Groups

The RC&D area has many water bodies that are listed on the Clean Water Act 303 (d) list for water quality impairment.  Total Maximum Daily Load Plans are required on these stream segments.  Idaho Law allows for the formation and appointment of Watershed Advisory Groups (WAG) to work with the Department of Environmental Quality to provide local involvement in the development of the TMDL.

The RC&D Council is in the forefront to help local people form WAGs and become involved in the TMDL process.  To date TMDA plans have been written by the Cascade Reservoir WAG, the Lower Payette River WAG (including separate TMDLs for Bissel Creek and Big Willow Creek), the Weiser River WAG, Northfork Payette WAG, and the Little Salmon River WAG.  The Wildhorse River WAG was recognized in October 2006 and the Mores Creek WAG was just approved in February 2007.  The Wildhorse River TMDL is in EPA review while the Mores Creek WAG is completing their Subbasin Assessment.  Additionally Implementation Plans have been prepared for Cascade Reservoir, Lower Payette River, Bissel Creek, Weiser River and the Weiser Flat tributaries to the Brownlee-Hells Canyon Snake River TMDL.  The Little Salmon River and Northfork Payette implementation plans are in process and the Weiser River WAG is beginning the TMDL for Crane Creek Reservoir.

The RC&D Council provides technical assistance in meeting planning and facilitation; coordination of agencies resources; projecting water quality monitoring needs; and information/education outreach.  Additionally the RC&D Council assists sponsors to apply for 319 grants for implementation projects.  Based upon realistic efforts to improve water quality, many grants have been obtained to apply Best Management Practices to some of the different watershed problem areas.