West Central

 Highlands RC&D


Area Map
Executive Committee
Special Update   
Project Proposal Form


County Fire Mitigation Plans

The need to address watershed protection from fire has been a major focus for some of our communities. The Council has been aggressive in finding funds for the Counties to develop fire risk assessments and fire mitigation plans.  This effort assisted each County to prioritize their requests for Nation Fire Plan funds to treat local watersheds. The Council has also obtained assistance for each County to address All Hazard Mitigation Plans, as required by FEMA to remain eligible for disaster assistance funds.

Our efforts in Fire Education has been sustained by assistance from the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and Idaho Department of Lands to assist local communities to understand and develop defensible space around the homes and business in the Wildland Urban Interface.

RC&D Council sponsored hazardous fuel load reduction demonstration

Gem County Commissioners adopt County Fire Mitigation Plan